November 2023

Welcome back to club members who are  returning for another season and a special welcome to new players who are joining the Sun Vista Pickleball community for the first time. 

The change in ownership of our park created a degree of uncertainty as to the role of the club within the scope of pickleball at Sun Vista.  Following meetings with management we have been informed that the Club will have an expanded role and responsibility with respect to pickleball.  This is welcomed news but comes with some unexpected terms and conditions.

The most significant of which are:

  • The Pickleball Club is required to charge Membership and Maintenance Fees. For the 2023-24 season the Membership Fee has been set at $10.00 and the Maintenance Fee was also set at $10.00.
  • The resort has authorized the Sun Vista Pickleball Club to schedule court usage. The only requirement is that some open court time be made available for non-club play. 
  • The courts are reserved for club play Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to until noon and for other club events as required. Please refer to Court Schedules for up-to-date information. 
  • The Pickleball Club is responsible for court cleaning and minor maintenance. Examples of minor maintenance would include nets or wind screens replacement or repair.
  • The Pickleball Club is responsible for acquiring any equipment that is required to clean or maintain the courts. (Leaf blower, hoses and squeegees)
  • The club will not supply balls. It is the responsibility of each player to provide a ball for games they play in.  The club has balls available for purchase by club members at a cost of 2 balls for $5.00.

The 2023-24 pickleball season promises to provide club members with an array of play and social options.  This includes:

  1. Pickleball lessons will continue to be provided at the upper courts by Maggie. Please refer to the upper court schedule for times and details.  Cost of the lesson is $5.00.
  2. Our player development coordinator Don will be providing skill development sessions to players on a by request basis. Cost of the lesson is $5.00 per session. 
  3. The club will host intermediate Round Robini play on Tuesday and Friday Mornings. For more details contact Vic Wiens, Lower Court Coordinator.
  4. A challenge court has been implemented this year to provide additional competitive opportunities for more advanced players.
  5. Inter-park advanced play round robin is scheduled at Sun Vista on Fridays from Noon to 2:30 p.m. 
  6. Intermediate Level II Round Robin Play on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Play in this group is based on skill level as define for Intermediate Level II players.
  7. We are considering implementing an Intermediate Ladder play system to qualify player for more advanced play opportunities including Intermediate Levell II Round Robin.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our coordinator group.

We look forward to seeing you on the courts!

Dennis Moniuk,

Coordinator – Administrative Services.