Advanced Skill Level
- Primarily plays in an offensive rather than defensive mode.
- Controls and places serves and return of serves to best advantage.
- Puts advanced playing strategy into the game, particularly in dinking.
- Consistently varies shots for competitive advantage, uses power shots selectively.
- Communicates and moves well with partner — easily “switches” court positions.
- Very comfortable playing at the non-volley zone. Works with partner to control the line, keeping opponents back and driving them off the line.
- Can block hard volleys directed at them.
- Has good footwork and moves laterally, backward and forward with ease.
- Hits overhead shots consistently, often as put-aways.
- Ability to change a hard shot to a soft shot.
- Consistently executes effective drop shots that are not easily returned for advantage.
- Can effectively poach.
- Hits a low # of unforced errors per game.
- Consistently demonstrates the ability of “Anticipation of Play.”
- Is a multi-dimensional player.