March arrived and, as per usual, has quickly moved to being in our rear-view mirror as most snowbirds start their journey home. We are very fortunate to have a growing pickleball community at Sun Vista that has been supportive of the opportunities to play the game they love in both recreational and competitive environments. The month has been very busy and it is time to look back at the year that was as we start to look forward to the 2022-23 season.
- This season Maggie has provided 51+ park residents with the opportunity to learn the game and play at a level that enhances their skill development. From all of us a big Thank You for all your hard work growing pickleball at Sun Vista.
- Paddles needed for lessons and new players who wish to try the game. If you want to donate a paddle contact Maggie!
- To Vic, Lower Court Co-ordinator, who organized open Wednesday Round Robin play for Intermediate players and Friday Round Robin play for Advanced Intermediate players a huge thank you is extended.
- To John, who collected club fees and ordered the balls for the club, thank you.
- Twenty-four pickleball players attended the pickleball clinic with John and Letha Rodriguez on February 26 They participated in two drill sessions and a drills competition during the month of March. Thank you to John and Letha for working to improve pickleball at Sun Vista.
- With park management approval Inter-Park Advanced play began on Tuesday and Friday mornings started at the lower courts this year. Five players from Sun Vista play with the Yuma Advanced Group. Thank-you to Berry, Inter-Park Play Coordinator who arranges and coordinates Inter- Park Play at Sun Vista.
- The pickleball club is working to establish a Pickleball Web Site. We are pleased to announce that Bernard has offered to lend his expertise in getting our site up and running. Thank you Bernard!
- Thanks to Detlef and Bea for taking pictures of club activities. Having professional pictures is an excellent way to promote our sport.
- Thanks to Jim for volunteering to be Upper Coordinator and ensuring that two-way communication occurs between the courts promoting understanding and inclusiveness between all members.
- New pickleball shirts were ordered during the year and it is nice to see members of our group showing off the shirts on the courts and in the park. Thank you to Dennis for arranging for the order.
- The Sun Vista Pickleball Club held a year end windup on March 16, 2022, that was attended by over 90 club members. Thank you to Vic and his crew who organized the event.
To everyone we wish you safe travels as you return home and. God willing, that you return next year for another pickleball season! Take care!